Anyway, the group seemed to enjoy the nonverbal activity that I forced them to do in the spirit of "building community." It was great to meet everyone and hear about their backgrounds a little bit. The only unfortunate part of the day is that I didn't provide enough time for my workout. Can't make that a habit now can I? Will get myself to the gym in the a.m.
In other food-related news, I have yet another disappointment: I ate like crap today. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Hopefully my options for well-rounded nutrition will be augmented tomorrow with the short term loan I took out today. So as you can imagine, I don't have a photo of anything that I ate today. It's pretty "top secret" considering it wasn't very good for me... but I do have an interesting little morsel to add that I thought might interest you:
Ponderosa pines smell like dessert. Yes, isn't that a random addition to today's blog entry? Stick your nose into a crevice of the bark and take a big whiff. It may smell like butterscotch or vanilla. The next person who smells it might insist it's more like cinnamon, or even coconut. Scientists don't know why a closely sniffed Ponderosa smells like baking cookies. The aroma may arise from a chemical in the sap being warmed by the sun. Regardless, this is extremely interesting and makes me angry that I can't wander around smelling trees in order to quell my appetite for baked goods. This also reminds me of a certain person (call her my third sister) who insisted that the cut poplar wood we harvested as children also wreaked like another delicious food: ketchup. Ok, but enough about that. I'm actually just testing to see if my bfff has actually read this or not. I'm assuming it will be addressed during our customary morning telephone discussion if so.Well, off to finish my nightly tasks. I hope the rain continues to cool it down some. Ciao!
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