Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hump Day Slump Chump

I just realized something last night. My most FAVORITE third-baseman of all time has gone to the dark side. After Monday night's game, I thought it couldn't be true. I was hoping it was a hoax or something. But I was wrong... my spry little cutie, one of the Tigers' only All-Star players this year, the longest standing teammate, father, and philanthropist Brandon Inge did something I could have never foreseen: he got two ridiculously enormous tattoos!

If you remember earlier in the year Brandon Inge let a young boy (a hospital patient he was visiting) autograph his forearm and promised to hit him a home run; he obliged and hit a home run for the kid. Unfortunately though Inge is currently hitting .164 with 3 HR and 9 RBIs since the All-Star break. For as big of a slump Inge has been in, I completely understand why he might want to go above and beyond the measely autograph that brought him good luck before... but this is some drastic ink to get done in less than 30 hrs! Holy poop!

After conducting a bit of research I found out that they are his son's names-- Tyler and Chase. Ok, great. But don't have anymore kids buddy. You'll look even more ridiculous with huge tats of other, future kid's names on your legs... or other places... ewww. Don't get me wrong though, tattoos on some people are downright sexy. But not my Ingey. He usually operates on such a higher, non-conformist level. I mean, for Christ's sake, he enters the field to Hurricane Chris' "Halle Barry (She's Fine)"...

I definitely considered him a baller up until now... but everybody gets a cliche tattoo of their kid's name. Unfortunately now I kind of see him as a sell-out chump. God he used to be so hot! Bummer.

Anyway, there's my silly little observation of the day. I hope to discuss this with a few other fans tonight/tomorrow when I get back home. I'm getting pretty anxious about everything =(

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